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Veterans Affairs

The Susquehanna County Veterans affairs office proudly serves the Veterans of our County and their families.

Anyone with questions about the vast array of benefits available is encouraged to contact the County VA office, and we will be happy to answer your questions and provide assistance. The office is located in the County Courthouse at 31 Lake Ave. Montrose, Pa. and the office hours are Monday thru Friday from 8:30 A.M. until 4:30 P.M. except for scheduled holidays or required Certified Veterans Services Officer (VSO) training.

Individuals may also find complete information on veteran's federal benefits by visiting the U. S. Department of Veterans Affairs web site at www.va.gov and state benefits at www.dmva.pa.gov/veterans/pages

Veterans in crisis or contemplating suicide may call the Veterans Crisis Line at 988 option 1 or text at 838255 for help

Finally to all our veterans, “thank you for your service” we look forward to serving you.

Veterans Corner

The Susquehanna County Veterans Affairs office writes an article once each month that is published in the “Weekender”. These articles called “Veterans Corner” provide information related to veteran’s issues and benefits. The articles are published once per month and can be found in one of the editions of the weekender which is distributed each Friday of the month. The weekender has a wide distribution in Susquehanna County. For your convenience we also make the articles available here on the County website.

Anyone with any questions about the benefits available to Veterans and their family members can call the Susquehanna County Veterans Affairs Office at (570) 278-5955.


Programs that Allow Veterans to receive VA Compensation and Military Retirement Pay.
Submitted By: Jeffery Mead
Susquehanna County Director of Veterans Affairs/Veterans Service Officer

Can you receive VA Disability Compensation and Military Retirement at the SAME TIME?  

It depends. There are two programs CRPD (Concurrent Retirement and Disability Pay) and CRSC (Combat-Related Special Compensation) that allow some veterans to receive both.  

You must be retired to be eligible for CRDP or CRSC (served for 20 years or received a medical retirement, including the Temporary Early Retirement Act). This retirement can be from Active Duty, Reserves, or National Guard. Regular Reserve and Guard retirees usually aren’t eligible for either CRDP or CRSC until they receive retirement pay at age 60. However, if you’ve been medically retired or have met certain active-duty deployment criteria, you could be eligible for CRDP before age 60, depending on how many total years of service you have. To receive either CRDP or CRSC, your monthly VA disability pay must be causing your DoD retired pay to decrease. 

 CRDP, or Concurrent Retirement and Disability Pay, is a program that allows retirees to receive both their military retirement pay and their VA disability benefits. The Veteran must have a 50% VA Combined disability rating and receive compensation to qualify for this program.  DFAS (Defense Finance and Accounting Service), the department that pays the military retirement, will automatically enroll eligible veterans in this program when they either start receiving retirement or start receiving VA compensation over 50% which ever one happens second.

CRSC, or Combat-Related Special Compensation is a program signed into law in 2002 that provides tax-free monthly payments to eligible veterans. CRSC provides tax-free payments to retired veterans with combat-related disabilities. The Veteran must have a 10% VA Combined disability rating and receive compensation to qualify for this program. One additional requirement for CRSC that doesn’t exist for CRDP is that your disability must be related to combat. Examples include: 

• Armed Conflict (Combat PTSD, gunshot wounds) 
• Hazardous Duty (Flight, diving, parachute duty) 
• An Instrumentality of War (exposure to Agent Orange, vehicles, or weapons) 
• Simulated War (Exercise training) 

You Must Apply for CRSC 

To apply for CRSC, you will need to fill out an application with your branch of service and provide documentation of your service-related disability rating. 

You’ll fill out DD Form 2860.(Susquehanna County Veterans Affairs can assist with filling out DD Form 2960) The form is the same for every branch, but where you send it will differ based on your branch of service. 

Include the following in your application for CRSC:

• Medical records related to your combat-related disability 
• Purple Heart citations, if relevant 
• Other documentation proving your condition is combat-related, official records if possible 
• Your DD-214 or retirement orders 


Open Season and CRSC 

Traditionally, CRSC Open Season is when DFAS sends you a letter explaining your eligibility for both programs. The letter should explain the differences and amounts you’ll receive with both entitlements. This is your chance to switch your entitlement without filling out Form DD 2860. (vaclaimsinsider-Last Updated on December 22, 2022)


Upcoming Veteran events:

Gulf War/Global War on Terror Veterans Support Group at Lenox/Elk Mountain VFW Post 8488 every, first Monday of Month at 5:30 PM. Next meeting is May 6th at 5:30PM.

Vietnam Veterans Support Group at Lenox/Elk Mountain VFW Post 8488 every 1st, and 3rd Monday at 10:30 AM.  Next meetings are May 6th and 20th at 10:30AM.

Memorial Day May 27:  Details in next month’s Veterans corner*

*Any local municipality or group in Susquehanna County can have their event including Memorial Day parades put in next month’s Veterans Corner by calling 570-278-5955 with details. 

Susquehanna Veterans Affairs office is always here to assist Veterans in accessing Veterans Administration and State benefits.

Contact Information

Veterans Affairs
Department of Veterans Affairs
31 Lake Avenue (PO Box 218)
Montrose, PA 18801

Telephone: (570) 278-5955
Fax: (570) 278-5977

Jeffery Mead, Director / VSO

Contact Us