Dog Licenses
Dog Licenses
Dog License Information
SUSQUEHANNA COUNTY TREASURER, announces that 2025 Dog Licenses & Tags are currently available in the Treasurer’s office. Failure to license a dog is a summary offense and a maximum fine of $300 for each unlicensed dog may be issued.
Dog licenses must be purchased by January 1st of each year for all dogs over 3 months old. Licenses are only good for the county in which the dog resides. To purchase a license fill out an application (link below) and be sure to sign it! Mail the information with a check or money order made payable to “County Treasurer” PO Box 218, Montrose, Pa 18801-0218.
Or: for those who wish to renew or purchase online. There is an additional $2.00 convenience fee for the online service.
For a county other than Susquehanna you may use this application and mail it to the proper county treasurer. You must be 65 to qualify for the senior citizen discount. You must have proof of a disability to qualify for a disability discount – as an SSDI card.
Renewal notices will be mailed for 2025 dog licenses to residents of the county. If you have already renewed please disregard. If you receive one and no longer have a dog, please notify us. If you don’t receive one in the mail, applications are available on our website, on the Treasurer’s page or at the county courthouse in the treasurer’s office. Any questions please call 278-4600 x4081, x4083.
Regular prices are $8.70 for male and female per dog.
Senior and disabled prices are $6.70 per dog.
Lost Dog Information
For lost dog information contact 570-278-6668 with license number and year of dog tag.
Lifetime Dog License Requirements
Title 7. Agriculture Part II Dog Law Enforcement Bureau Chapter 21. Licensure (see legislation)
Eligibility. The owner of a dog 3 months of age or older may apply to the county treasurer or agent, on a form prescribed by the Department of Agriculture for a lifetime license.
Lifetime license requirement. A lifetime license shall consist of the following:
- A lifetime license number issued by the county treasurer and a tag bearing that lifetime license number.
- A tattoo or microchip permanently identifying the dog.
Permanent identification requirement. A person applying for a lifetime license shall choose either a tattoo or the implantation of a microchip as the means of permanent identification for the dog. The person applying for a lifetime license is responsible for having the dog tattooed or a microchip implanted to permanently identify the dog. Application of a tattoo or implantation of a microchip must be done in a manner consistent with the Veterinary Medicine Practice Act and 49 Pa. Code Chapter 31 (relating to State Board of Veterinary Medicine).
Regular prices are $52.70 for male and female dogs.
Senior and disabled prices are $36.70 for male and female dogs.
Links and Documents
To print the application, click on the link above. The application will be displayed in your browser. Click “File” then “Print”.