The Prothonotary’s office creates and maintains accurate civil records (including but not limited to: law suits, judgments, municipal, state & federal liens) and collects and accounts for the distribution of revenue (writ tax, children’s trust fund, judicial computer project fund) to the county and state. There are many other responsibilities of the Prothonotary’s office including processing passport applications, appointing arbitration boards, license suspension appeals, appeals to higher courts, and collection of costs from protection from abuse cases.
Online case searches can be performed at the following link.
Please be advised that this office is no longer processing passports. Passports are now being processed by the Voter Registration department.
For general passport information, please go to General Passport Information.
To find the closest passport agency to your location, please go to: Where to Apply for a Passport Nationwide
Local Rules Civil Division Efiling
Contact Information
Prothonotary & Clerk of Courts
County Courthouse
31 Lake Avenue (PO Box 218)
Montrose, PA 18801
Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Telephone: (570) 278-4600
Civil - Ext. 6641
Criminal - Ext. 6642
Collections - Ext. 6677